On the Teaching of Jesus
And the Psychology of Revelation*
1) “On the day when you were one you became two.” (From
Saying #11 in the Gospel of Thomas)
The first phrase of this statement (i.e., “when you were
one”) originates in the Revelation of the Memory of Creation (Chapter 2, verse
7 of Genesis; also echoed,
interestingly enough, in Psalm 2,
verse 7), which conveys a Knowledge of the non-dualistic” consciousness with
which man was Created by God, also referred to in The Treatise On Resurrection as the “spiritual” resurrection. While
the second phrase of this statement (i.e., “you became two”) originates in the
Revelation of the Memory of ‘the Fall’ (both of which, together with the
revelation of the memories of previous lives, referred to in The Treatise On Resurrection as the
“psychic” resurrection, comprise the Revelation of “the resurrection”) into the
dualistic consciousness of the “self” and the ‘thinker’.
The problem, however, is that the same word (“you”) cannot
unambiguously be used to convey two not merely different, but precisely antithetical
meanings; the word “you” in the first phrase having a sharply different
‘meaning’ than the word “you” in the second phrase. In fact, it is simply not
even possible to ‘personify’ or ‘localize’ the non-dualistic consciousness with
which man was Created by God into a ‘spatiality’ of consciousness (i.e., a
“you”) in the first place—in other words, as the dualistic consciousness of a
“self” and a ‘thinker’—because those dualistic dimensions of consciousness
exist only after rather than before ‘the Fall’.
Thus, more precisely in accordance with the Knowledge
Revealed through the Revelations that Jesus received:
Before ‘the Fall’ there exists a non-dualistic consciousness. After ‘the Fall’ there exists the consciousness of duality; that is, a “beast of the sea” consciousness of the “self” and a “beast of the earth” consciousness of the ‘thinker’.
Before ‘the Fall’ there exists a non-dualistic consciousness. After ‘the Fall’ there exists the consciousness of duality; that is, a “beast of the sea” consciousness of the “self” and a “beast of the earth” consciousness of the ‘thinker’.
And, although a direct experience of the non-dualistic
consciousness Created by God is received through the Revelation of the Memory
of Creation, the reality of ‘the Fall’ into the dualistic consciousness of the
“self” and the ‘thinker’ cannot be irreversibly reversed to that non-dualistic
consciousness itself. In other words, the differentiation into individual
“selves” and ‘thinkers’ is an inescapable—and irreversible in the space-time
reality—consequence of ‘the Fall’; both the consciousness of the “self” and the
consciousness of the ‘thinker’ being required for living successfully in the
space-time reality.
2) “You a teacher in Israel and you do not know these
things?...I tell you most solemnly, we speak only about what we know and
witness only to what we have seen and yet you people reject our evidence.”
(Chapter 3, verses 10…11 of the Gospel of
The word “we” in this passage refers to Jesus and the
prophets who came before him (for example, Moses, Isaiah, Ezekiel and Daniel)
who had received both the Vision of the “Son of man”/“Tree of Life” (Chapter 3,
verse 24 of Genesis) ( i.e.,
“we…witness only to what we have seen”); the Revelation of “the resurrection”;
and the Knowledge Revealed through those Revelations (i.e., “we speak only
about what we know”)—such Revelations being considered as evidence by those who
receive them; evidence which, however, is typically not acknowledged by the monotheistic
religious ‘authorities’.
The term “you people” refers not to the children of Israel
as a whole, but to the aforementioned ‘teachers in Israel’; those Jewish
religious ‘authorities’ who had no direct experience or Knowledge of the
Revelation of Truth, but who claimed to ‘understand’ those Revelations (and
were paid for that ‘understanding’) from the frame of reference of the
‘fallen’, dualistic consciousness of the “self” and the ‘thinker’; which, of
course, is both the job description of all Jewish, Christian and Muslim
religious ‘authorities’, and the reason why they are still paid to this
day—that is, for substituting the doctrines of men originating in the ‘fallen’,
dualistic consciousness for the original Revelations.
3) “No one has [gone up into] heaven except the one who
[came down] from heaven, the Son of man who is in heaven.” (Chapter 3, verse 13
of the Gospel of John)
What is being poetically described here is the actual
experience of the receiving of the Vision of the “Son of man”; although there
is, in fact, no literal—that is, spatial—‘going
up’ and no literal or spatial ‘coming down from heaven’. (But the
implication that there is some kind of ‘movement in space’ with the receiving
of the Vision of the “Son of man” is also a characteristic of the “Night
Journey” of Mohammed mentioned in the Quran;
although, according to his wife Khadija, “The prophet’s body did not move.”)
In addition, the Vision of the “Son of man” is not a “one”
or a “who” in the first place—that is, there cannot be any ‘personification’ of
that Vision into any ‘spatiality’ of consciousness any more than there can be a
‘spatialization’ of the non-dualistic consciousness Created by God—but, rather,
consists of the Revelation of Knowledge without any trace of the ‘spatiality’
of consciousness referred to as either a “self” or a ‘thinker”; i.e., a “who”.
4) C.S. Lewis once argued—arrogantly, viciously, witlessly
and infamously, I would suggest—that Jesus was either a lunatic, a “demon” or
In fact, rather than saying anything at all about Jesus,
such a formulation is, instead, a graphic representation of ‘the Fall’ from the
consciousness Created by God; consisting of an instantaneous, reflexive shift
of attention away from what Jesus taught—that the Doctrine of “resurrection” is
a Doctrine of ‘Rebirth’, for example—to who Jesus was; due, at least in part,
to the statement by Jesus (or purportedly by Jesus) that:
“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (Chapter 14, verse 6 of the Gospel of John)
“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (Chapter 14, verse 6 of the Gospel of John)
In affirmation of the Knowledge Revealed through the Vision
of the “Son of man”, it should be understood that the phonetic tones (in
English) of this particular passage originate in the Knowledge of the Ten
Principal Phonetic Tones of Creation (arranged along the Seven Churches, or
‘chakras’, in a geometry ‘approximating’ the Kabbalist “Tree of Life”) Revealed
through that Vision; the Long A phonetic tone of the “Way” signifying the
Revelation of “the resurrection” (which is received in the Fourth Church or the
‘heart chakra’); the Long I phonetic tone of the “Life” signifying the Vision
of the “Son of man”/“Tree of Life” (which, radically simplified, is ‘received’
in the Seventh Church or the ‘forehead chakra’); and the Long U phonetic tone
of the “Truth” signifying the Revelation of the Law (which, radically
simplified, corresponds to what is signified by the First Church or the
‘genital chakra’; for reasons which, however, are most effectively explained in
an oral Teaching).
The fundamental and fatal error of this passage, however—and
it is not a merely trivial error, but an error which has importantly been
utilized by Christian theologians to turn the Teaching of Jesus upside down by,
purportedly, ‘validating’ the Satanic idolatrization of Jesus as ‘God’ and the
‘only’ path to the Truth—is, very specifically, the use of the pronouns “I” and
“we”; any such use of which consisting of, in fact, a sharp (but generally
perceived as subtle) deviation from the Knowledge Revealed through the Vision
of the “Son of man”.
More in conformity with the Knowledge Revealed through what
Jesus referred to in the Thanksgiving
Hymns of the Dead Sea Scrolls as the “Vision of Knowledge”, then, the
pronouns “I” and “me” when spoken by a human can only refer to a particular
‘spatiality’ of consciousness; that is, to a ‘fallen’ “self” and a ‘thinker’.
Thus, to use these terms self-referentially in relation to Revealed Knowledge
itself—in other words, to claim to actually be the very ‘personification’ of that
Knowledge—establishes, in fact, a thoroughly delusional but absolute
‘equivalence’ between the non-dualistic consciousness Created by God and the
‘fallen’, dualistic consciousness of the “self” and the ‘thinker’; which, in
fact, is equivalent to the assertion that the consciousness of the “self” and
the ‘thinker’ have been Created by God; when, in reality, they are
self-created, as explained in detail in Towards
A New Paradigm of Consciousness.
Thus, in opposition to the idolatrization of Jesus as ‘God’
that has become manifest in the doctrines of Christianity over the past almost
two thousand years since this statement was first made—or purportedly made—by
Jesus, this passage must be updated and clarified.
Three things are necessary for the understanding of Truth:
1) A rigorous adherence to the Moral Law (also referred to
as the First Phase of the War of the Sons of Light (the “Truth”);
2) the receiving of the Knowledge Revealed through the
Revelation of the Memory of Creation (the “Way”), the Revelation of the Memory
of ‘the Fall’ into the dualistic consciousness of the “self” and the ‘thinker’,
and the revelation of the memories of previous lives (also referred to as the
Second Phase of the War of the Sons of Light); and,
3) the receiving of the Knowledge Revealed through the
Vision of the “Son of man” (the “Life”), also referred to as the Third Phase of
the War of the Sons of Light.
And, while a person who has received these Revelations can
be understood as being, in some way, a representation or a ‘manifestation’ of
such Knowledge, it is simply not in any way possible for anyone ever to be the
‘personification’ of the Knowledge of Truth; or for such a person to constitute
the ‘only’ path to the Truth.
5) “…and in front of the garden of Eden He posted the
cherubs, and the flame of a flashing sword, to guard the Way to the Tree
of Life. “ (Genesis Chapter 3, verse
“As high as the heavens are above the earth are My Ways
above your ways…” (Chapter 55, verse 9 of the Book of Isaiah)
“Of the Vision of Knowledge, they {that is, the religious
‘authorities’ in Jerusalem}
say, ‘It is unsure.’ And, of the Way of Thy heart, ‘It is not the Way.’”
(from the Thanksgiving Hymns of the
Dead Sea Scrolls, written by Jesus)
“[…And, when the hearts of the detach]ments of foot-soldiers
faint {Long A phonetic tone}, then shall the Might of God fortify [the hearts
of the Sons of Light]. And, with the seventh lot, the Mighty hand of God shall
bring down [the army of Satan, and all] the angels of his kingdom, and all the
members [of his company in everlasting destruction]… (from Column I of the Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light)
“I am the Way…” (Chapter 14, verse 6 of the Gospel of John)
The phrase “to guard the Way to the Tree of Life” conveys
the sequence of the Revelations from the Second Phase of the War of the Sons of
Light—that is, the Revelation of “the resurrection” (which is received in the
Fourth Church or the ‘heart chakra’)—to the Third Phase of the War of the Sons
of Light—that is, the Vision of the “Son of man”/“Night Journey”/“sidrah tree”
(the culmination of that Vision occurring at the Seventh Church or the ‘forehead
(To be continued, Insh’allah.)
*This is intended to be a third part of a trilogy on
consciousness; the first part consisting of Meditations
On a Science of Consciousness:
and the second part consisting of Towards A New Paradigm of Consciousness: